Assalamualaikum wbt.
Lama sangat tak update blog. Busy dengan final, lab, pindah rumah n macam-macam lagi. Sepanjang 2 bulan nie memang hebat sungguh debaran dan ujian-ujian. Just keep positive but but sometimes i cant.
Honestly rasa detistry are you really a course that i fit in? Sebab kalau lab je, selalu yang paling slow and lambat. I know i can tapi memang kene a lot of practise and yes sometimes i just fell like drop and taking a course relating to Mathematics that i really like.
Lab Operative Dentistry honestly lab yang paling banyak aku nangis. Sebabnya doct ayu (dosen wali) sangatlah strict. I know she being like that for my own good as i seldom read and understand the steps. Nak dijadikan cerita, susun gigi dekat phantom aku dah mula slow. Pilih gigi yang betul-betul sesuai and ade inclination semua tu pon stress. Ak buang masa bnyk kt situ as most of them dah start drilling gigi.
Then after dah lepas susunan gigi, start drilling gigi and untuk requirement ade 4 gigi untuk amalgam n 3 gigi untuk composite. So, before nak start drill kena la ade outline dulu, betul ke x n kene tunjuk for acc. If salah kene la betulkan smpai betul. Pastikan outline die termasuk pit and fissure n bnyk lagi. So, gigi utk amalgam adalah 14( premolar kanan ), 17 (2nd molar kanan), 16 (1st molar kiri) n 47 ( 2nd molar kanan bawah).
Nak dijadikan cerita, gigi premolar agak cepat jgak buat. Tapi bile masuk gigi 17, dah mule salah buat sebab shape dah lari. So, doct ask me to make the base parallel with wall. Mule2 blur, then baru paham bile tanye2 orang. Then, buat gigi 27 plak sebab 17 dah salah. yang sadisnya i keep on doing the same mistake. Maybe sebab gelabah sngt sebab classmate sume pantas sgt.
Next weeknye dh salah memang doct ayu x nak tgok pon gigi aku. Luckily ade dr taufiq. He asked me to do 28 (3rd molar) n luckily i passed. Then baru la cepat sikit when drilling 16 and 47 sebab dah tau step yang betul. Thanx a lot to asya sebab ajar. Baru taw cara yang betul. After dah lepas semua barulah boleh buat penambalan.
The day almost most of classmate dh siap polishing, i am just starting my base semen. Memang tipu la kalau kate x gelabah kan. N rase nak menjerit pon ade. Aku n cl yang paling slow, but i try not to be gelabah. Semen base pon act amek mase kalau x taw nak buat. Memang nak acc tu pon takes time n i have to redo sebab x kemas, then dh redo baru taw the exact tebal n etc.
Lepas dah dpt acc (signature) baru la boleh continue dengan amalgam. Amalgam x susah, yg susah aku rase nak buat anatomi. Seriously kena refer gigi baru ingat2 anatomi die cmne. Premolar x amek mase sgt, then sempat hbeskan semua amalgam n left with 1 more composite teeth.
So contiunue 2 days after that, as we cant do the polishing if belum 24 jam. Then baru nak mule polishing, memang aku agak slow. Cl gile laju, gelabah la kan tgok die. Time aku polish 2nd gigi die dah nak hbes n jumpe dr ayu dah. I try to be calm but i just cant when people surrounding me dah nak siap semua, n the worst thing i must redo 28 as the anatomy was too bad. Time tu, memang rase yes im give up.
Bile buat polishing n tunjuk kt dr ayu nearly 5 times, salah lagi. That time left only less than 10 peoples. Memang sedih la kan kene bukak balik amalgam tu sebab i need 1 more lab to do polishing :( Bila tgah berusaha nak polish ntah kali yang ke berapa x taw, dr ayu kate lab dah habis. Memang sangat berdebar n yes im so scared.
"Munirah siap untuk mengulang?" Kate2 tu tros keluar dari doc ayu n aku memng x siap nak mengulang. Im the only 1 yang malaysian x siap n ade a few kawan indonesia yang x siap.
Oh Allah, if it is the best for me i will accept it. I know u know better Ya Rabb and please dont let me give up as i want to continue it by any ways. I know i dissapoint my parents as i tell them n honestly i had try my very best to finished it on that day.But, there is no luck for me. Just help me be strong as i know Allah wont test somebody unless he/she is able to endure it.
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la tahzan innallaha maana :) |
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Allah kan ada, be strong munirah! :) |
Be strong as there is always hope if you try and if i have to repeat the steps for amalgam i will accept it as a challenge. Although my classmate will look down at me, its my fault. I promise myself to be a better person and read and read n learn before every lab
p/s: bersyukur sebab dah pindah browneley and at least i have them to support me. alhamdulillah :)
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