assalamualaikum wbt..
akhirnya broadband berfungsi, maen2 btol..after 3 hari bru dy ok..dh excited g beli sim baru, tetibe tdi bukak laju giler..memng sayang sgt kt broadband nice to me ok, u r my only source of entertainment..haha
macam2 dh jadi minggu nie, n truly make me totally down..ya Rabb, lepas satu satu..positif mun, HE wont test u if HE know u cant..yeah, i know i can adapt strong..smpai ibu kol, memng teros menangis, its so hard..whoaaa, 2nd year is not honeymoon yer for me..even i know no we have less classes, but the lab make me cry..with remed, which i screwed it..bcoz din have enough i just agree with the fact that u can turn blank when din have enough sleep..
exam final memng nk dekat, tpi ak giler melaghokan diri dgn movie..ntah laa, rse mood nk stdy takde..padahal hello u have socca which u must present the case infront of the docter..n kalaw macm nie perangai ko memeng best laa nilai ko..ade masalah2 dalaman yg ganggu konsentrasi, tpi x pyah la nk mention..memng rse down, n feel totally lost..luckily i still have my badam's to make my day..
x sbr nk blek msia, even tiket x pyah ckp la memng giler mahal kan..rse bersalah tp nk wt cmne, sebulan lebih kot..x betah den dok sini lame2, n trikh blek sbandung je dh sure, 14th feb..tem tu ye laa murah tiket..nie tem hujung2 tahon nie memng tiket bole dpt 2 tiket pergi blek kot..ibu ade kt kuantan skrg nie, bercuti2 msia..whoaaaa jelezzzzz..xpe laa, kuantan je pn..
itu je laaa, mlas nk cter pnjang..n this i present my badams..really love themm! esc im closer to the last dam, hahhaa:p
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badam-balqis, aisyah, kakd, amal, me:) |
eh tu je laa..need to read my notes, esok nk g closing bandung games..konon2 jadi org penting la kan..haha..nt rjen2 update, even g closing je..
p/s: wish me luck final..3 pointer n above, aminn:)
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